Real Estate Liquidity
Applied RELOAD To 1031-X for Eliminating the 45 Days Requirements
RELOAD is a trademark and acronym for Real Estate Liquidity On Accepted Demand. This claimed method enables investors to enter a
Purchase and Sale Agreement, "PSA", which has the following characteristics:
a) Party "A" is the Seller, and Party "B" is the Buyer for the target property​
b) Parties set to Negotiate and agree on the Sale Price and a PREMIUM FEE
c) "B" will have to provide PROOF OF FUNDS, acceptable form only by "A"
d) Parties have different goals
"A" wants LIQUIDITY and executes the SELL OPTION any time during the next 12 months. In exchange for this, "A" will pay "B" a PREMIUM Fee at the PSA signing event, facilitated by Title & Escrow. Note that "A" does not have an OBLIGATION to SELL
"B" wants to buy the property at a lower market PRICE. If and when "A" wants to execute the PSA, it will notify Escrow in writing. In which Escrow will close the transaction immediately in a few days
Note that "B" will have the OBLIGATION to BUY ONLY IF "A" wants to SELL. "B" does not have OPTION to BUY
Case Study for 1031-Exchange. This RELOAD method will work perfectly, because Exchangers, Party "A", will locate REPLACEMENT Property (Leg-2) PRIOR to selling the RELINQUISHED Property (Leg-1). This will ELIMINATE the 45-Day Identification Requirements
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